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I Really Enjoyed This Game

Hi there, thank you for playing our game and sharing your stream. 


i know longer want my brother. He can die alone.  

Thank you for playing Within.

This was so good!  This is a must play and if you don't believe me watch this!  Good Job Dev

Hi there; thank you for playing Within and for sharing your playthrough.


it was good



Thank you for sharing your video here


This is an incredible upgrade over Decrypt. I'm really impressed by how much your team has grown. The voice acting is also really impressive too. Great job!

Thanks for making games!

Thank you for playing Within and for your kind words. We're glad you enjoyed the game. 


Super fun game, liked the idea behind it and executed well!!!

Thank you for playing our game and for sharing your stream. 


This was rock solid. Did not expect this when I downloaded it.  The scares/the voice lines/cutscenes were really well made. Made a video on it.


Thank you for playing Within and sharing your playthrough. 

Good voice lines and jumpscares. 

Thank you for playing Within.


 wow scary game , love it

Thank you for playing and for sharing your video.

you welcome


Another great game from Crux Game Studio! I loved playing your previous game, The Hospital! This one WAS VERY GOOD! The cutscene's...the voice acting and the overall concept! 10/10!


Hello, thank you for playing Within; we're glad you enjoyed the game.


This is very well put together, very nice

Full Play NO Commentary 

Thank you for playing Within and sharing your video.

{ There was too much tension that my balls started levitating in the air. }

The game was great, the experience was watching a movie and playing the game ("within" a game ). The story & gameplay was alright, but there are some jump scares that need some improvement. <good job and a happy new year>

Thanks for playing Within; glad you enjoyed it. 


I am beyond surprised at the level of quality present in this title. The VA work is fantastic, the story is delivered effectively, the scares and clever, the tension is well maintained throughout, and the visuals are impressive.
I am definitely keeping an eye on your future projects, I can't wait to see what you are gonna cook up next!

Thank you for your kind words; we're glad you enjoyed Within.


GREAT short spooky game. I enjoyed it. quality and the voice acting was great. 

Please consider liking and subscribing if you like the play through :)

Thank you for playing the game and sharing your video

(1 edit) (+1)

I've loved this game studio since Decrypt, and this is another high quality horror game! Amazing atmosphere. Excellent story, that's emotional, gripping, entices your curiosity, and wraps up in a satisfying way.

I really like how this game is presented. The cinematics with high quality voice overs and the in-game lore is done wonderfully. My favourite part is Nik's desktop game. It's wild that you folks literally built a game within a game! And you tied it brilliantly with the overall story-the main theme of guilt is so well explored.

I really can't praise the atmosphere enough: it's heavy, brooding, tense. I didn't know what awaited me around each corner. It was definitely creepy with enough jumpscares to be scary. The scariest part was having to progress the story, which brings me to a factor all your games accomplish incredibly well:

I call it the "I don't wanna!" factor.

For me, the best horror games make me do things I don't want to do, because they have to be done in order to progress.

In this game, the gritty environmental detail, the troubled past of Nik and Maya, and the decrepit visuals of the game-within-this game all contribute to this factor. Within consistently makes me go down dark hallways, and through demonic corridors, to find out the truth. 

The highlight of this game, and what exemplifies this factor perfectly, is at the end when Maya was descending the seemingly endless dark staircase.

Within is the latest example of what you hard working, talented, passionate, and dedicated folks at Crux Game Studios can do. I'm really glad you're continuing to make games because you've become my favourite indie horror game studio.

All the best for all your future projects, which I hope will be many. Keep up the fantastic work!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your generous, eloquent, thoughtful review and your kind words. We're thrilled that you enjoyed Within and are grateful for your encouragement.


Really enjoyed this one. didnt want it to end haha

Thank you for playing Within and sharing your playthrough.


Really awesome short horror game. Interesting story as well with some great scares. Fantastic job!

Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed Within!


So much quality in this one, highly recommended :)


Hey Shaun, thank you for playing Within and sharing your playthrough.  We're glad you enjoyed the game. 


Really a good game, thank you, and its free OMG 


Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed Within.


can you add korean using machine translator?

Thank you for reaching out to us; we are open to adding translations. However, we prefer that the translations are authentic and idiomatic and respect the culture and country of the target translation, so we prefer to avoid machine translations.  If we can work with a Korean translator, we are certainly open to adding it. 

i will add korean can you give me scripts?

Sure, we can do that. Please write to us at We can take it forward from there. 


A massive upgrade from "Decrypt" - magnificent! 

I remembered playing your game, 1 year ago and I was fascinated by the visuals, the story, depth, quality, all the necessary attributes for a horror game to be like solid gold - this one got better every step of the way. 

The subtle atmosphere and attention to details triumphed over the story. Don't get me wrong, the lore was unique, but nothing compares to the joy and quality of mechanics, visuals and sound design. I love the cut scenes, they were scripted well and that ending was great too.

I can't praise enough this project. Feels to me, you have worked hard on this one. Amazing. Definitely in my top 10 list for this year. Good luck with the future projects. Cheers! 


Hi Niven, thank you so much  for your generous and kind words; we are thrilled you enjoyed Within!


Everything about this game is awesome! Great job!

Hello, thank you for playing Within and sharing your video!


Wow. This one blew me away. Best game I've found on itch, hands down. 

Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed Within.


Great story, great graphics, and the cutscenes were insane! Awesome game, keep up the great work!


Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your video. 

(1 edit) (+1)

hey i really liked the game good job on that ! i did though complain a bit but i hope you dont mind it :)

edit : i did make subtitles to what the demon is saying but sometimes it was hard to understand so please feel free to correct me :D

hello, thank you for playing Within and sharing your video and your thoughts. We’re glad that you enjoyed the game overall. And yes you have got the reverse translations mostly right 🙂


This game is incredible at setting the tone for the player. I really felt like at times that I was playing a Triple A horror game! The VA was great and very in depth as the story is too! Great tension and atmosphere that pays off in the end!

hi there, thank you for playing Within and sharing your video. We’re glad you enjoyed the game. 


I just skimmed through a playthrough, I want to play it because I like the story and I';m curious.

hi there, you should definitely try playing it!


wow amazing game thank you so much i love it :):):):):):):):)

Thank you for the kind words and for sharing your play-through. We’re glad you enjoyed your experience. 


wow ! great jobs creepy ..wait for Within 2

Thank you for playing Within and for sharing your video here. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Everything from these developers is awesome and this is no exception, very nice grungy environments that change-up often enough to keep things interesting while you explore a very well told story. So stop reading comments and go play the game, you'll love it, then play their other games, you'll love those too!

Thank you for the kind words and support :) We're glad you enjoyed the game. Hope you'll do a video playthrough of Within - it's always a delight to watch your play-throughs!


I did indeed make a video on the game. I hope to have it uploded publically within a few weeks, but if you would like to see it sooner (to get feedback and check for bugs etc) I'm happy to share the video privately with you before it goes public, that way you could see it within a day or two

Thank you, that is wonderfully thoughtful of you. If it isn’t going to be a bother and you don’t have to rush editing it on our account, yes please do share at your convenience. You could DM us on twitter or simply write to when you’re ready to.  Thank you again. 🙂


No problem at all, once the video is edited I will share it with that email address and you should recive an email with a link

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